7 instant pot tips and hacks you should know if you are a new instant pot owner.

Instant pot tips and hacks :1
Wondering how to clean instant pot lid?
The instant pot lid can be placed in the upper row of the dishwasher. The inner pot of the cooker (stainless pot), the sealing ring, the lid, and the steam rack are all dishwasher safe. So go ahead place the instant pot lid in the upper rack of the dishwasher.
Even when placing the lid in the dishwasher please remove the sealing ring,anti-block shield, and place the lid. Please hand wash the steam valve, float valve every day this will make sure there is no food or debris that block the pressure building process.
Instant pot tips and hacks :2
Instant pot lid melted
I see some of you say your instant pot lid melted by accidentally placing the lid on the stovetop.

Did you know your instant pot is designed with a built-in lid holder? If you look at the sides you have a small holder to hold the lid of the instant pot. So next time if you want to take the lid off while cooking place it to the sides of the instant pot as shown in the above picture.
Instant pot tips and hacks :3
Instant pot storage
The instant pot has become part of our everyday cooking and we always look for a place to keep instant pot safe to avoid accidents like melted instant pot bottom because of keeping on stovetop etc.
This product I got from target as recommended by some of the instant pot owners has made it
- easy to store
- move instant pot any where in the house
- I can store both my 6 qt and 3 qt with all the accessories in one place .
This instant pot storage cart costs 35$ and it’s definitely worth it if you have a small kitchen.

Instant pot tips and hacks:4
How long does instant pot take to preheat?
First time cooking with instant pot? Always remember the recipes you follow do not take into account preheating time. So add 10 -15 minutes extra to build pressure, so next time when you are meal planning for a family or a get-together add extra 10 -15 minutes to your cooking time.
Another way to preheat the instant pot quicker is by adding hot water to the inner pot.This will help you to build pressure fast and make the cooking process faster.
Instant pot tips and hacks:5
Instant pot quick release spraying starch
Some recipes call for instant pot quick release and the spraying of starch all over the kitchen cabinets makes it a real mess. This instant pot steam diverter directs steam away from the kitchen cabinets, protecting them from moisture and heat released during a quick pressure release. This is the best way to protect the kitchen with one small investment.

Instant pot tips and hacks :6
Instant pot pot in pot
instant pot pot in pot also known as the PIP method saves some time and less cleaning to the inner pot sometimes when you use this method.
I use most of the times pot in pot cooking for rice and dahl cooking together at the same time. Sometimes even I stack another bowl to steam veggies for making sambar etc.
You can buy the stackable Stackable Steamer Insert Pans with Sling from amazon
Here is a detailed post on how I make instant pot pot in pot rice and steam vegetables together.
You can even use this instant pot pot in pot method to warm more than one food at a time.All you need to do is stack the bowls that fits in PIP method and press WARM button in the instant pot.If stopping using microwave last few years with this option in place.
Instant pot tips and hacks:7
Instant pot trivets
I use the instant pot trivet not just for stacking bowls, Sometimes i make more than 3 recipes at the same time like cook instant pot dal in the inner pot and place the trivet , another bowl on top of it with rice and stack one more bowl with vegetables to be steamed .
Sounds great ?
Check my 5 instant pot trivet hacks.
If you find this post helpful please leave in comments I can share some more instant pot tips and hacks.